miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Questions-Never Trust a Lady

What sort of person was Horace Danby?
R: He was an honest and nice person

Why did Horace steal ?
R: Because he liked expensive things, that's why he stole the jewelry.

What was Horace Danby´s business?
R: Her work focuses on locks

How did he spend his holiday each year ?
R: I think every year he went to London to see a movie with his family

Did Danby neighbors know about this part of his life ?
R: I think not, but they began to doubt him, when he acted strangely.

What was it that made Horace sneeze so much ?
R: It was the flowers, that made him sneeze

Why did he open the safe for the young lady ?
R: He opened the box for her and says it was for her to do nothing for a while.

Who was the young lady ?
R:Apparently the owner of the house.

What happend to Horace in the end ?
R: He left the house, with a hectic discussion with the lady, threatening her and saying that he was not afraid to go to prison

What did the court think of his explanation about why he opened
the safe ?
R: They said they didn't believe their story

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