jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Questions- Larency and Old Lace

Why had the User sister decided to come to live in Milwaukee ?
R: I think because she grew up there, and that she spent seventy years living in a small town.

Why was Mr. Bingham unhappy about the usher sisters´decision ?
R: Because he wanted to share a house with them.

Do these retired school teachers speak  as you would expect two nice old laddies to do ? Find some examples of rather unsual language that they use 

What did Mr. Bringham do to try to discourage the ladies from staying in their nephew´s house ?
R:I think inviting them to dinner, since apparently Florence wanted to have dinner.

When the ladies arrived at the house, whom did they find there, and what was he up to ?:
R: They found a boy who was mistreating an animal.

What did they  do with him ?
R:  They took him with his father.

What had Walter been doing with the papers that Tiny was  trying to find ?
R: I think he did not tell him that he found the papers and decided to go look for them alone

What sort of man was harry Gordon ?
R: His nephews gave him the reputation of a mysterious man

What did Harry Gordon wnat to do with the usher sisters to get them out of they way ?
R: I think he wanted to confuse them and lead them to investigate something at night, I think.

Do you think Florence was a good detective ?
R: I think his persistence paid off.

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