jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Questions- The Purloined letter

Who stole the letter?
R: Probably G-.

Whom did he steal it from ?
R:They had the minister's key in the place that was spending the night.

Why was the letter so important ?
R:Because the minister had sent her.

What had the head of the police done to try to get the letter back ?
R: I try to hide in a book and give him where the letter was so they wouldn't steal it

How kind of man was D ?
R: He was one of those clean people in his habits.

How was the letter hidden ?
R: It was hidden in a book or mixed with more letters.


Questions- Larency and Old Lace

Why had the User sister decided to come to live in Milwaukee ?
R: I think because she grew up there, and that she spent seventy years living in a small town.

Why was Mr. Bingham unhappy about the usher sisters´decision ?
R: Because he wanted to share a house with them.

Do these retired school teachers speak  as you would expect two nice old laddies to do ? Find some examples of rather unsual language that they use 

What did Mr. Bringham do to try to discourage the ladies from staying in their nephew´s house ?
R:I think inviting them to dinner, since apparently Florence wanted to have dinner.

When the ladies arrived at the house, whom did they find there, and what was he up to ?:
R: They found a boy who was mistreating an animal.

What did they  do with him ?
R:  They took him with his father.

What had Walter been doing with the papers that Tiny was  trying to find ?
R: I think he did not tell him that he found the papers and decided to go look for them alone

What sort of man was harry Gordon ?
R: His nephews gave him the reputation of a mysterious man

What did Harry Gordon wnat to do with the usher sisters to get them out of they way ?
R: I think he wanted to confuse them and lead them to investigate something at night, I think.

Do you think Florence was a good detective ?
R: I think his persistence paid off.

Questions- The Necklace

Was madame Loisel a happy women ? Why ?
R: No, because her husband was busier at work than paying attention to his wife.

Why did madame loisel cry after her visit to madame forestier ?
R: Because the public education ministry and other people did honor. It may also be because in a certain part of the text he says that he did not visit her because he felt poor when he saw her house.

Was Madame Loisel happy when her husband received the grand invitation ?
R: No

What did her husband do to make it possible for he to go to the party ?
R: I think there is an old, dirty and dusty taxi.

When she had a dress, what more did she need in order to feel that she looked right for the grand occasion ?
R: I needed jewelry

Did she enjoy the party ? Why ?
R: Yes, because she felt beautiful

what happened whe the loisels got home ?
R:  That your dreams were over

What did the loisels decide to do about the necklace ?
R:This decided to stay, even knowing what it took to find.

What was their life like for the next ten years ?
R: I work very hard to pay the interest on the necklace

What did Madame Loisel learn, after paying so much for the necklace ?
R: She learned to be careful, that you don't need a necklace to be pretty and that being poor doesn't say everything about you.

What do you think of Madame Loisel character ?
R: I think he got carried away by his economy, that he wanted to show something that was not really just to please other people.

Do you think she deserved such a cruel punishment ?
R: I think that if life gave you that punishment it is for something, what we live must have a purpose

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Questions-Never Trust a Lady

What sort of person was Horace Danby?
R: He was an honest and nice person

Why did Horace steal ?
R: Because he liked expensive things, that's why he stole the jewelry.

What was Horace Danby´s business?
R: Her work focuses on locks

How did he spend his holiday each year ?
R: I think every year he went to London to see a movie with his family

Did Danby neighbors know about this part of his life ?
R: I think not, but they began to doubt him, when he acted strangely.

What was it that made Horace sneeze so much ?
R: It was the flowers, that made him sneeze

Why did he open the safe for the young lady ?
R: He opened the box for her and says it was for her to do nothing for a while.

Who was the young lady ?
R:Apparently the owner of the house.

What happend to Horace in the end ?
R: He left the house, with a hectic discussion with the lady, threatening her and saying that he was not afraid to go to prison

What did the court think of his explanation about why he opened
the safe ?
R: They said they didn't believe their story

Question- The Venturers

Describe a jhon Reginald Foster ?
R:From what you can read, he was someone very thoughtful when he was, someone who lived adventures as the chapter narrates. In this way I describe the character.

Why was Foster bored ?
R:Actually what I could read, did not say as such a situation that made him feel that way, but it could be that he heard something in the bar that made him go out and walk for about an hour.

Contrast Foster´s credit standing with the cash he had in his pocket 
R:Something strange is that he saw in the bankbook the company had so much money and he was not surprised, before he did not have it, but he is also surprised to see the amount of money he had in his pocket, when he had already seen that enormous money from the company.

Why was the man standing nearby so amused and interested by Forster´s situation ?
R:  Because he also lived that experience, the man shared.

Why was it going to be an adventure to eat dinner in the expensive hotel ?
R:Because it was one of his last adventures

What was so nice about about the hotel ?
R:The good thing about the hotel is that it was expensive, its food.

why was the meeting with the veiled lady in constantinople a disappointmen ?
R:I think the plan was a failure, because he was arrested.

what did each man think would to happen to the other, if the other got to bill ?
R: I think they would be confused, nervous, although I did not understand this part.

What did each of them know would happen to himself if he got the bill ?
R: The truth I don't know, I didn't understand that part of the story in the text, that is, I didn't understand the writing in English.

Under these circunstances, was the dinner really a gamble ? 
R: I think so, like everything was already planned.

Questions-The hasty act

The hasty act

Is the man who tells this story a brave man ?
R: Not really, at the beginning of this chapter he says no, but he tries to show that he is not afraid

Does he usually lunch in expensive restaurants ? 
R  No, from time to time, since when the Pierre's went he was amazed at the price and said he couldn't pay for that lunch.

Why did he go to lunch at pierre´s ?
R: Because the one he usually goes to was very far from his office

How did he feel uncomfortable with the couple who seemed so friendly at lunch ?
R: Something uncomfortable, since that restaurant was totally different for him, the one he used to go to.

why do you think the couple spoke to him ?
R: I think to see what it was really like in front of strangers, even though in his mind they were plotting something he didn't know

What sort of people were they ?
R:According to the way he spoke to her, beautiful according to the text, a coordinating form.

What happend when the storyteller wanted to get his coat from the coatroom ?
R: I think a partner had arrived at this time, and they were just known for a long time

what did he find in his coat pocket later that afternoon ?
R: I'm not sure, I think he found an envelope

Why did he take the envelope to the couple he met at lunch ?
R: I thought they were mistaken for coats

Whose money was it ?
R: It was from the girl or partner with whom he had a conversation in the restaurant

Why was he frighttened ?
R: Because they were suddenly mistaken for coats and because it was totally unknown

What would you have done, in this situation ?
R: In a situation like this that he lived in, he would have gone back to the restaurant, he would ask for the name of this person giving his description.

Why would the real owner of the raincoat be able to find him ?


Hello, I welcome you to my blog about the book that appears in the title, which will answer some questions and speak orally, the summary of the book, so I hope you like it